Thursday, December 31, 2009


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    Wednesday, December 30, 2009


    Teachers - Topics - Schools - Textbooks

    English (ESL) Teachers

    English (ESL) Topics

    English (ESL) Schools

    English (ESL) Textbooks

         Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd Edition

    Welcome and Thank You for Visiting ESL Teacher


    Welcome and thank you for visiting
    ESL Teacher (ESL is English as a Second Language). My name is Meylysa Tseng and I am an ESL teacher with over 10 years of experience in Taiwan and in Hawaii. I also have a B.A. in Linguistics from Dartmouth College, an M.A. in Linguistics from National Chung Cheng University and 3 years of Ph.D. work at the University of Hawaii at Manoa campus. I enjoy learning and really enjoy teaching others what I have learned.

    If after you visit you love this site, and want to say a big THANK YOU, see the How You Can Support ESL Teacher Post. There's also a link on the top right of each blog post.

    To Students: Let's learn English today and everyday! I am one of your English teachers (ESL teacher) on the internet. Look up at the top of this web page. Do you see the word "STUDENTS"? Click on the word "STUDENTS" to see English lessons. Do you have questions? E-mail me at or write a comment at the bottom of this webpage. Tell me what you want to learn! Tell me what you like! I am happy to teach you!

    To Fellow ESL Teachers/ ESL Tutors: Thank you for visiting ESL Teacher. I hope that we can learn from each other, and make teaching more effective, enjoyable, profitable and fun! Please feel free to contact me at, or through this blog, and let me know if you have any feedback or wish to submit lessons and videos. I have taught long enough to know that there are so many awesome ESL teachers and ESL tutors and that I have so much more I can learn, and help share with our community. To get started, you can visit the TEACHERS link at the top of this page and every page. It is the main menu for teacher resources. Feel free to browse the STUDENTS page as well, as there are lots of great resources that you can use with your ESL students! I am very grateful that you have visited ESL Teacher, and hope to have a productive and fulfilling relationship with you!

    Thanks again and welcome!

    Meylysa Tseng