Wednesday, January 20, 2010

English Students: Oxford Picture Dictionary 2nd Edition, p. 24 COLORS

Hello English (ESL) Students!

Welcome to today's lesson on
COLORS! I'm your English teacher (ESL teacher), Meylysa. I'm very happy to have you learn with me today!

Please open your book, the Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd Edition to page 24. Watch the video, listen to your English (ESL) teacher, repeat the words and the sentences, answer the questions and enjoy the lesson. If you don't understand your English (ESL) teacher, I have written the what I say underneath the video. Try to understand without reading =)

Have fun learning ENGLISH!

Your ESL Teacher,


Oxford Picture Dictionary 2nd Edition p. 24 COLORS

Welcome to class. My name is Meylysa and today we are learning about colors. So look at your book Oxford Picture Dictionary Second Edition, and go to page 24. ok? That's page 24. Alright.
So on the top left corner of page 24 it says colors, colors.
So the picture...the picture says sweaters online, so you can buy a sweater, online means on the computer, Ok? Sweaters online means on the computer you can buy sweaters.

Now on Sale, Ok?
So let's look at the colors.

First, sorry...First they have Basic Colors, Basic Colors, OK?
So the first basic color is Red, OK? Red is pretty easy, Red yeah?

Number two yellow, yellow
So, um, the woman in the picture, the woman in the picture, She's wearing a red sweater. She's, She is wearing a red sweater, not a yellow sweater. OK?

Number three is blue, blue. What's blue? The sky, the sky is blue. water, in the ocean, when you see the ocean is blue.

Number four orange, orange. Oranges are orange.

Number five green, green. Grass is green. Tree leaves are green. Alright? That's green.

Number six purple, purple. What is purple? Plums. The fruit, plums are purple. Um...What else is purple? Grapes are purple. OK.

Number seven is pink, pink. OK? Pink is and white mixed together makes pink yeah? A lot of girls like pink and boys like blue. (sneeze) excuse me.
OK? That's pink.

Number eight is violet, violet. Violet is like purple, but violet is darker than purple. Violet is...There's a flower called violet...and the violets um..the purple violets are the color of violet, they get it from the...the flower.

Ok Number nine...number nine is turquoise, turquoise, turquoise. Ok Turquoise is is a type of Ok? Sometimes Hawaii the ocean water is it isn't blue, sometimes it's sometimes it's really pretty, it's turquoise color. turquoise. Ok.

Number ten is dark blue, dark blue. You can also say navy blue, navy blue, navy N A V Y like sailors in the Navy. They have dark blue is is navy blue. So you can say dark blue or you can say navy blue, same thing. dark blue...the same. Ok?

Now after dark blue you have light blue. Light blue, ok light blue is a nice color for um a room, um babies, uh little baby boys they wear light blue. Light blue and dark with any color you can say light or dark. you can say light green, dark green, light red, dark red, light purple, dark purple, light yellow, dark yellow, Ok? Alright.

The last one is bright blue, bright blue. Bright means a very strong color, very strong, uh...almost like it's... there's light coming off. so you say bright. So you can have bright blue, bright yellow, um...bright green. You can have many kinds of bright colors. Bright is very WOW bright. um...yeah I don't have anything bright around me...maybe I do...hold on. This is um...The green on this bottle, This is uh...bright green, and the red, the red is bright red. So you have bright green and bright red. So that bottle is bright green and bright red.
Ok? Uh, that wasn't a commercial. It's just to show the color of the bottle.

Ok! So, after basic colors uh...we have neutral colors. Now Neutral don't have color. ok? Neutral colors, they don't have color. So, it's just light or dark.

So the first one, number thirteen is black, black

and number fourteen is white, white

number fifteen is gray, gray

number sixteen cream, cream or ivory, ivory. So sixteen ivory...cream is like, uh, a lot of my students today were saying cream is like milk, yes cream is like milk...milk color. Ivory is the color of Elephant tusks. you know elephants elephants, have these hor...these tusks they're like horns, tusks. That is ivory. Um...People used to hunt elephants get the ivory and make piano keys out of ivory, and now you can't do that anymore. but ivory is the color of the the elephant tusk, Ok?

Ok, Number seventeen is brown, seventeen is brown. Brown is the color of the ground...right? the color of the ground. Uh, Brown is the color of dirt...yeah? the color of soil, dirt.

Ok, Number eighteen is beige, beige, beige or tan, tan. It's like a light brown. If you go in the sun...if you go in the sun. You get a tan. You get a sun tan. So your skin turns brown, yeah? We call it tan. Because it doesn't turn dark dark dark dark brown...well some people do...but it turns darker brown. and we call that color tan. or you can say beige. Beige is like a light brown. Beige or tan. OK!

Friday, January 15, 2010

English Students: Oxford Picture Dictionary 2nd Edition p. 4 Personal Information

Hello English (ESL) Students!

My name is Meylysa and I am your English (ESL) teacher! Thank you for studying with me today!

Today we are using the Oxford Picture Dictionary 2nd Edition, p. 4. We are learning about personal information (how to talk about YOU). Please watch the video and use your book to learn the lesson. Listen to your ESL teacher. Try to understand everything Meylysa is saying and try NOT to read!

Let me know if you have questions or comments! E-mail your English (ESL) teacher Meylysa at

Let's begin the lesson!

Your English (ESL) Teacher,



Oxford Picture Dictionary 2nd Edition p. 4

Personal Information

"OK. You are doing awesome! Let's see if you remember. We're going to review ok? So Number...let's start at A
Letter A Say Your Name, Say your name
Letter B Spell Your Name, Spell your name
Letter C Print Your Name, Print your name
D Sign your name, Sign your name
Number 1 Name, Name
Number 2 First Name, First Name
Number 3 Middle Initial, Middle Initial
Number 4 Last Name, Last Name
Number 5 Address, Address
Number 6 Apartment Number, Apartment Number
Number 7 City, City
Number 8 State, State
Number 9 Zip Code, Zip Code
Number 10 Area Code, Area Code
Number 11 Phone Number, Phone Number
Number 12 Cell Phone Number, Cell Phone Number
Number 13 Date of Birth, Date of Birth, DOB, DOB
Number 14 Place of Birth, Place of Birth
Number 15 Social Security Number, Social Security Number, again Social Security Number
Number 16 Sex
Number 17 Male, Male
Number 18 Female, Female
Number 19 Signature, Signature

Good Job! So that's your personal information. Be careful with your personal information. Keep it to yourself. You can share your name. You can share your phone number. But don't tell people your Social Security Number. Ok, you are doing great! I'm going to see you again next week. Study Hard! See you later."

English Students: English Textbook Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd Edition

Oxford Picture Dictionary

Hello Students!

Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd Edition is a very good ESL (English as a Second Language) Textbook. It is a fun and useful picture dictionary and costs between $11 to $17 US Dollars. Please buy the Oxford Picture Dictionary 2nd Edition and join my class!

Practice and learn 1 page from this English (ESL) Textbook every week. Concentrate and focus on the words. Use the words in sentences. Write the words 20 times everyday. Listen to the words in my teaching videos. Try to understand everything that your English (ESL) teacher says. You will start to UNDERSTAND AND REMEMBER THE WORDS! If you study and learn the words each week, you will learn all the English words you need for everyday conversation.

Buy the Oxford Picture Dictionary (Monolingual English)
English (ESL) textbook and join your ESL teacher and learn English everyday!

Thank you for taking my class and letting me be your ESL teacher!

If you have questions about the English (ESL) textbook Oxford Picture Dictionary 2nd Edition, please e-mail me at, or post a comment (write me in the box below).

Thank you again...and...W E L C O M E!!!!

I'm so happy you are here =)

Meylysa - Your ESL teacher


I'm your English teacher today. My name is Meylysa. My name M E Y L Y S A. Ok, I'll say it again, Meylysa. My last name is Tseng, T S E N G. It's a Chinese last name. I'm your English teacher for today and I'm using the Oxford Picture Dictionary Second Edition. I think this book is very good. It has lots of good pictures and the vocabulary is usually very important."

Thursday, January 14, 2010

ESL Teachers: Introducing the ESL Textbook Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd Edition

Oxford Picture Dictionary

Hello fellow ESL teachers,

In this blog, I will be using the Oxford Picture Dictionary (Monolingual English).
This textbook is perfect for any ESL student and any ESL teacher. It can be used by students of all levels, and contains important English words or vocabulary. We use this book at the school I teach in (Hawaii Literacy's Drop In Center) because it can be used with any level of student who has learned the ABCs and basics of English reading. Our school is free for the local immigrant community of Hawaii, hence student attendance is not consistent. Students are free to come and go and hence it is difficult to have a traditional lesson plan structure. In addition, since the school is mostly run by volunteers, there are often not enough ESL teachers to divide students into different levels.

The Oxford Picture Dictionary offers many advantages for us:
1) relevant vocabulary for all levels of students,
2) students and ESL teachers can begin on any page at any time (so new students will not feel like they are behind the class),
3) pictures can be understood even if the student has a very minimal level of English,
4) All levels of students find the book useful and engaging.
5) The teacher's manual and workbooks are excellent and make teaching and learning much easier
6) It is inexpensive for most students (about $17)

Though the book itself is a very important resource, to really benefit from it students need the guidance of a live and enthusiastic ESL teacher to bring the dictionary to life. This blog will contain lessons of each chapter in the Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd Edition. These lessons can be used as homework or in class videos for your students to practice the vocabulary. Allowing your students to see you teach, and then see another ESL teacher teach as well, will give them a variety and allow them to stay interested in the material, long enough to repeat it and finally, learn it!

Thank you for reading this post. I also have an Ezine Article you can send to friends and fellow aspiring ESL teachers!

I would appreciate any comments or feedback that you may have. I also am interested in learning about the software for the Picture Dictionary. Has anyone tried it and want to give a review?

Thanks again,
